The way we live is constantly being transformed by technological change. Alvin Toffler introduced in Future Shock (1970) the idea that for the first time in human history a person would see during her lifespan a total transformation of the world around her. Let’s take one of our grandparents born in the early 20th century seeing how transport changed from horses to cars and planes, and witnessing the introduction of radio, television and even some of them have seen the internet and smartphones.

This technological change is accelerating, some say at an exponential pace.

Some say that we, human beings, have reached such a level of technological achievement that we must take responsibilities for our actions. And that we need to use our knowledge and technology to regulate the impact of our innovations on the environment and society itself. Others may say that we need to reduce our use of technologies, resources and return to simpler ways of living. Another concern would be that this is no longer possible because we have have reached a point of no return. Thus we need to keep the use of existing technologies in check, with awareness of their impact in society, the environment and sustainability. And we need to develop new kinds of technologies to address and mitigate the issues existing technologies and its adoption are causing.

This needs to be addressed in the context of policies – local and global – and big projects, but also in little actions and details. In some kind of long tail of the impact of technologies in the world.

This track of the TEEM conference is related to both, big and small issues and possible solutions. With special interest in the interaction of this debate and its outcomes with education in general and engineering education in particular.

We are interested in experiences, initiatives, projects and position papers related to this complex and pluridisciplinar problem we are all facing.

Paper language



Submission dates: September 10, 2016

Submission format:

Submissions must be done through, (choose this track before proceeding with submission)

Track Scientific Committee

Marc Alier Forment (Barcelona Tech, Spain) – Chair
Enric Mayol Sarroca (Barcelona Tech, Spain) – Chair